Coffee Fundraiser

Coffee Fundraiser
Div. 1 & 2 Coffee Fundraiser

Sunday, May 31, 2020

June 1 - 5, Our New New Normal

Dear Division 2 students,

Week 8 Plan June 1 - 5, 2020:

We will do Zoom at our regular time Tuesday 10-11.

This week will look slightly different.  For those returning to school please bring:
• Jump Math booklet
• Geometry set
• Dress for the weather because I plan on being outside (sunscreen, walking shoes, light jacket, water bottle).  Our walking permission form is in place from the beginning of the year and we will be taking advantage of the walking opportunities.
• Reminder there is NO microwave access.  Do not bring food that requires heating.
• Backpack to carry lunch and supplies as we walk

For Math this week:
Grade 7’s:
• Monday:     Angle Bisectors page 125-126
• Tuesday:     Perpendicular and Parallel Lines page 127-128
• Wed.:          Perpendicular Bisectors page 129-130
• Thursday:   Lines and Integers page 131-132  
• Friday:        Choose some activities from the list below in blue below the grade 6 weekly instructions.   
Grade 6’s
• Monday through Thursday: work your way through the arithmetic operation section on the Khan Academy (link below).  Do the activities and quizzes.  Aim for a subtopic box a day at the minimum.
• Friday:        Choose some activities from the list below in blue below.                     

Estimate the height of a basketball net. How tall is that in millimetres? 
1 m = 100 cm; 1 cm = 10 mm 

Play the fun dice game Min-Max–imize! 
This is a game for 2 or more players. Each player needs a paper and pencil and should draw the empty equation below on their paper. You will need one die for this game. 
( ____ x ____ ) ÷ ____ - ____ = 
Players take turns rolling the die. After every roll, each of the players have to decide where to put the rolled digit in their equation. The goal is to get the greatest answer possible. Once a digit is recorded it must stay in that spot. You can’t move the digits. Continue to roll the die until all spots in the equation have been filled. Calculate and record your answer. Remember BEDMAS when solving the equation. Solve what is inside the brackets first, and the divide before you subtract! The player with the highest score after 10 rounds wins! 
Does your strategy change each round?
Try playing with a goal of getting the lowest answer possible. Would your strategy change? 

A geometric pattern represents the number pattern 3, 6, 12, 24... 
What might the geometric pattern look like? 

Dice Difference – Play this game with a sibling or adult.
Decided who is player 1 and who is player 2. Roll 2 dice. To get the difference, subtract the smaller number from the larger number. Player 1 wins if the difference is 0, 1 or 2. Player 2 wins if the difference is 3, 4 or 5.
Play 25 rounds and record the results.
What is the probability of player 1 winning a round? Player 2?
Is this a fair game?
How would the results compare if you played 100 rounds?
How might you change the rules to make this game fair for everyone? 

Imagine that you arranged five objects on a 4 x 4 cube bookshelf . 
Draw what the shelf would look like with the objects on it from the front. Draw what it would look like from the back? How did you decide where to put the objects when drawing from the back perspective? 

For Language Arts chose 4-5 activities from the list below:

In our modern world, it has been disheartening and depressing to watch the news in the last few weeks.  With everything going on in the world, especially with our neighbours to the South, we need to relook at our values and principals, both societal and individual.  I would like you to write about your perfect world or society, a “Utopia”.  What would it look like for you?  How would all people be treated?  What fundamental core values would govern all laws, actions, and systems in this society?

Read a fictional story of your choice today for at least 20 minutes. 
Think about the setting, plot and characters. How does the author help you understand these story elements? How is this similar or different from how it would look in a TV show?

Thinking about your favourite TV show, brainstorm a list of possible episodes that you wish they had created. Choose one to write about. Think about whether you want to write a script, design a story board with speech bubbles or write it as a story. What elements from the original show should you include in your episode? What characters will be in it? What problem will happen? How will it be solved? Then write a summary of your episode including the major details and possible conversations between characters. What advertisers do you think would pay to have a commercial shown in your TV show? 

Read a fictional story of your choice today for at least 20 minutes. 
What are some elements from the story that you could include in your rough copy of TV show episode? Read your rough copy to a friend or family member. Consider drawing out some scenes so they can visualize how it would look on screen. Listen to their feedback and ask for suggestions to improve it.

Watch an episode of your favourite TV show. While you are watching take notes about the cast, description of setting, lighting and use of commercial breaks. Discuss each element you noticed with a friend or family member. Next, think about the different jobs that would be involved in creating the TV Show (e.g. script writers, camera crew, editors, actors, director). Which one would you be most interested in doing? Why?

Research the Fall of Ancient Rome. What happened, when and why?  Do you agree Rome fell?  Consider Constantine and New Rome (Byzantine Empire).

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