Coffee Fundraiser

Coffee Fundraiser
Div. 1 & 2 Coffee Fundraiser

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Week 9 Plan June 8 - 12, 2020

Week 9 Plan June 8 - 12, 2020:

Grade 7 Parents:  This is a big week with Elphi.  Folders are available at the school Monday afternoon at GES.  Please inform GES office if your child wishes to take band next year.  Inside the folder is essential information for grade 8s.

Wednesday night 6pm is the parent Zoom session hosted by Elphi.  

Friday 1-2 is the walk through at Elphi.

We will do Zoom at our regular time Tuesday 10-11 and Math tutorials Thursday 10:30-11:30.  The codes are now always consistent from this point on and are included in this weeks email.

Students attending class at GES.  Please bring:
• Jump Math booklet
• Geometry set
• Water bottle
• Dress for the weather because I plan on being outside (sunscreen, walking shoes, light jacket).  Our walking permission form is in place from the beginning of the year and we will be taking advantage of the walking opportunities.
• Reminder there is NO microwave access.  Do not bring food that requires heating.
• Backpack to carry lunch and supplies as we walk

For Math this week:
Grade 7’s:
• Monday through Friday work through integers.  It is listed as Negative Numbers Addition and Subtraction.  Do the activities and quizzes.

Grade 6’s
• Monday through Friday: work your way through the Negative Numbers on the Khan Academy (link below).  Do the activities and quizzes.  

For Language Arts

Writer’s Workshop
This week you will work up a short story start to finish.
Start with Pre-Writing – The Brainstorm phase.  Come up with a plan for a story with a great plot, characters, setting, etc.
Draft out your short story.
Edit and Revise.  Seek assistance and advice from others.  Take their criticism and make your story better.
Email your final finished copy to me.
You can choose any genre.  I expect it to be 300-500 words. (1-1/2 pages)
Always consider the advice of all great writers.  WRITE WHAT YOU KNOW.  You have read books and had many life experiences.  Draw inspiration from these.  It could be a ski trip story with friends or a Zombie apocalypse story.  The sky is the limits.

Of course: READ, READ, READ!  Everyday!

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